Finally, A Way To Avoid Dreaded Colds And Flus - FOREVER!

We're so excited about it, we created this blog all about it.

Be sure to check out the EndFluenza website to learn how you too can be cold and flu free for life without dangerous vaccines and medicines.


Tuesday, June 15, 2010

Vaccines Innefective

Thousands of Americans died from H1N1 even after receiving vaccine shots...

Through its release of misleading statistics, the CDC wants everyone to believe that all of the people who died from H1N1 never received the H1N1 vaccine. That's the implied mythology behind the release of their statistics.

Many who died had already been vaccinated

The CDC is intentionally not tracking how many of the dead were previously vaccinated. They want you (and mainstream media journalists) to mistakenly believe that ZERO deaths occurred in those who were vaccinated. But this is blatantly false. Being vaccinated against H1N1 swine flu offers absolutely no reduction in mortality from swine flu infections.

And that means roughly 20% of the 11,160 Americans who died from the swine flu were probably already vaccinated against swine flu. That comes to around 2,200 deaths in people who were vaccinated!

Read the full article and stunning results here:

Saturday, June 12, 2010

Flu Can Lead To Worse Illnesses, Even Death

Unforeseen Dangers Of Colds and Flus

Colds and flus often pass in a few days or a week. Bur sometimes they drag on and lead to serious complications.
Unfortunately, these complications and more serious illnesses are never expected. They always catch their victims off guard and by that time, it's too late to take preventative action.

A better approach is simply to ensure that you never get a cold or flu in the first place. "Yeah, right." you say. Well that's exactly what some people are doing.
That's because there is a simple remedy that more people are discovering everyday that is enabling them to live without ever getting sick with colds and flus! The good news is it's not too late for you to be one of them. See for yourself at

Swine flu is a respiratory infection which originates in pigs and can be fatal even to pigs. When spread to humans, it can have serious ramifications. A weak immune systems is the key to infection. People with a weak immune system are especially vulnerable. Healthy people with a strong immune system can be exposed to the same viruses and not get infected. So clearly the best cure is prevention.


There are warnings everywhere, from government websites to medical reports and even mainstream media. But the problem is these sources all take the same approach: vaccines. Vaccines are not natural to the body and all too often cause severe side-effects and even death. Some people can tolerate them, but no one really knows until AFTER they have had the vaccine. Read more about it here: vaccines.

What You Should Know

Influenza (the flu) is a contagious respiratory illness caused by influenza viruses. It spreads from person-to-person and can cause mild to severe illness; and in some cases, can lead to death.

  • In the United States, yearly outbreaks of seasonal flu usually happen during the fall through early spring.
  • The best way to prevent the flu is by getting a flu vaccination each year.
  • Flu viruses can cause illness in people of any age group. Children are most likely to get sick because their immune systems aren’t strong enough to fight off the infection.
  • Some groups are more likely to have complications from the seasonal flu. These include:
  • those age 65 and older
  • children younger than 2 years old
  • people of any age who have chronic medical conditions (e.g. diabetes, asthma, congestive heart failure, lung disease)
  • Complications from the flu can include:
  • bacterial pneumonia
  • ear or sinus infections
  • dehydration
  • worsening of chronic medical conditions

Every year in the United States, on average:

  • 5 to 20 percent of the population get the flu
  • More than 200,000 people are hospitalized from flu-related complications
  • About 36,000 people die from flu-related causes

See the full article here:

Wednesday, June 9, 2010

If flu vaccines are "safe", why so many warnings and side effects?

The government and the CDC claim that vaccines are safe. Yet, there are reported cases of people getting very ill from them. There even some reported cases of vaccines causing disease and death. Are you willing to take that chance? I'm not.
A complete list of possible side effects from both the flu shot and the nasal spray (LAIV or Flu Mist) vaccines are below:
The flu shot: The viruses in the flu shot are killed (inactivated), so you cannot get the flu from a flu shot. Some minor side effects that could occur are:
  • Soreness, redness, or swelling where the shot was given
  • Fever (low grade)
  • Aches
  • Nausea
If these problems occur, they begin soon after the shot and usually last 1 to 2 days. Almost all people who receive influenza vaccine have no serious problems from it. However, on rare occasions, flu vaccination can cause serious problems, such as severe allergic reactions. A federal program has been created to help pay for the medical care and other specific expenses of certain persons who have a serious reaction to this vaccine. For more information about this program, call 1-888-275-4772 or visit the program’s website at: "Countermeasures Injury Compensation Program"External Web Site Icon.
The nasal spray (also called LAIV): The viruses in the nasal-spray vaccine are weakened and do not cause severe symptoms often associated with influenza illness. (In clinical studies, transmission of vaccine viruses to close contacts has occurred only rarely.)
In children, side effects from LAIV can include:
  • runny nose
  • wheezing
  • headache
  • vomiting
  • muscle aches
  • fever
In adults, side effects from LAIV can include
  • runny nose
  • headache
  • sore throat
  • cough
See the full article published by the CDC here:

Do You Hate Being Sick?

1. Do you HATE being sick?

2. Do you ever miss out on work, school, or fun activities because of sickness?

3. Do you sometimes get "hit hard", have relapses or have it drag-on?

4. Do you worry about worse illnesses such as H1N1, swine flu, avian flu, bronchitis or pneumonia?

5. Are you exposed to people and germs regularly such as: public environments, sales/clients, group events, travel, around children, school, medical offices, stores, or do you even interact with someone who has these exposures?

6. Are you elderly or have a weak immune system making you more susceptible and also have a hard time beating a bug?

If you answered "YES" to even one or two of these questions, you might want to seriously consider the world's only know cure for colds and flus.

Check it out at